St Andrews Online Judge

Local Anaesthetics

By Kay Akashi

Time: 1000 ms
Memory: 256000 kB

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Problem Statement

Local anaesthetics are a collection of anaesthetics that are administered where loss of consciousness is neither desired nor necessary. They are helpful in avoiding high-dose of general anaesthetics, and even as a post-operative analgesia to relieve a pain.

One way to classify local anaesthetics is to look at the "onset" and "duration". Onset means how fast the anaesthetic starts to show its effect, and is either "rapid", "medium", or "slow". Duration means how long the anaesthetic effect lasts, and is either "long", "medium", or "short". In each of NN lines, you are given the name of anaesthetic, onset, and duration.

Then in each of MM lines, you are given a desired onset and duration. Your task is, for each query, to output all the names of drugs that have desired onset and duration, in a lexicographically ascending order. Note that, each answer should be shown in a single line, with drug names separated by a comma and a space. If there's no such drug, output "NONE" instead.

Also note that, anaesthetic name consists of only small Latin alphabets.


1N,M10001 \leq N, M \leq 1000. The length of drug name never exceeds 2020.


In the first line, you are given NN, the number of drugs whose information you receive to create a "formulary". In following NN lines, you are given an anaesthetic name, onset, and duration separated by a space in between. In (N+2)(N + 2)-th line, you are given MM, the number of queries. In following MM lines, you are given a desired onset and duration separate by a space in between.


In MM lines, for each query, you output the drug names that satisfy the conditions of onset and duration that you were given, in a lexicographically increasing order, with comma and a space in between.



lidocaine rapid medium
tetracaine slow long
bupivacaine slow long
articaine rapid short
rapid short
medium medium
slow long


bupivacaine, tetracaine


In the first query, you are asked to output the names of drugs that have rapid onset and short duration. When you have a look at the given formulary, you can see that it is only articaine that satisfies the condition. Thus, you just output "articaine". In the second query, you need to find anaesthetics that have medium onset and medium duration. However, because there's no such a drug, you output "NONE" so that it is clear that you did not find any drug suitable. In the third query, we have tetracaine and bupivacaine as anaesthetics that have slow onset and long duration. However, be noted that you should output those names in lexicographically ascending order, that is, bupivacaine and tetracaine, rather than tetracaine and bupivacaine. Also note that they are all shown in a single line separated by a comma and a space (no comma at rightmost and leftmost end!).