St Andrews Online Judge

Leaders on Circle

By Kay Akashi

Time: 1000 ms
Memory: 256000 kB

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Problem Statement

Today the World GX summit is held in London. In this summit, XX political leaders from each of XX countries are invited and discuss the global issues. You, belonging to the department that is in charge of hosting a conference, are asked to arrange the first conference room today. However, you noticed that there're only YY chairs available around a circular table.

Having reported this matter to your boss, she tells you to pick up YY leaders from XX of them, and after you assign seats to everyone, rotate the entire table such that the country with name of the lowest alphabetical (lexicographic) order is facing directly north.

While trying to achieve your task, you wonder how many possible ways there are to pick up YY leaders from XX of them and arrange them around a circular table that satisfy your boss's command.

Since the answer can be astronomically large, your task is to find out the answer modulo 109+710^{9} + 7. In other word, output the remainder of the answer divided by 109+710^{9} + 7.


1YX1061 \leq Y \leq X \leq 10^{6}.


The input contains two integers in a single line: XX and YY.


Output the answer modulo 109+710^{9} + 7.



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First of all, there're 1010 ways to pick up 33 leaders from 55 participating leaders. Then, once 33 leaders can be allocated to each table, of which there're 22 ways to do so. Thus, the answer is 10×2=2010 × 2 = 20 ways.


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