St Andrews Online Judge

Incomplete Triangle

By Kay Akashi

Time: 1000 ms
Memory: 256000 kB

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Problem Statement

You're given rr red sticks, gg green sticks, and bb blue sticks of equal length. Your task is to create a non-degenerate triangle by using those sticks. In this game, sticks of the same colour should align on a single line. However, you notice that in some cases you're short of some sticks to achieve this task. Report the minimum number of sticks of any colour you additionally need in order to achieve this task.

In this game, you're not allowed to leave any sticks unused. In other words, you have to use all sticks you have in your hand.


1r,g,b301 \leq r, g, b \leq 30.


The input contains three integers rr, gg, and bb in a single line.


Output the answer.



4 7 1




You have 44 red sticks, 77 green sticks, and 11 blue stick. If you're further provided with extra 33 blue sticks, you can achieve the task. Let alone, other methods are allowed as well; you can also be provided with extra 22 red sticks and 11 blue stick to achieve the game. However you perform, the answer is 33.


30 30 30




You have 3030 red sticks, 3030 green sticks, and 3030 blue sticks. You can already create a non-degenerate triangle with given sticks. Hence the answer is 00.