St Andrews Online Judge

Greatest Common Multiple

By Kay Akashi

Time: 1000 ms
Memory: 256000 kB

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Problem Statement

Given an integer XX and nn integers a1a_{1}, …, ana_{n}, find the greatest common multiple of all the elements in aa which is smaller than or equal to XX. If there is no such answer, output 1-1 instead.

Note that, common multiple of aa is the number which can be divided by any element in aa. Your task is to find the greatest one amongst several possible (or zero) common multiples.


1n501 \leq n \leq 50, 1ai1001 \leq a_i \leq 100 (1in)(1 \leq i \leq n), 1X1091 \leq X \leq 10^{9}.


The first line of input contains two integers, nn and XX. The second line contains nn integers separated by single spaces in between.


Output the answer.



3 100
2 3 5




In this example, common multiples of aa which are smaller than or equal to X=100X = 100 are (30,60,90)(30, 60, 90). The greatest common multiple of aa here is therefore 9090.


4 10
2 5 8 9




In this example, the least common multiple is 360360. This indicates that there's no common multiple that is smaller than or equal to 1010. For this reason, output 1-1.